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Gmail - canned response problem solved

It seems no one has worked out the reason why Gmail canned responses seem to vanish from time to time. Canned responses are really helpful when you get lots of enquiries and want to send the same info to lots of people simply. The problem has been that you spend a lot of time crafting a good all purposes response and then for some reason it vanishes and is no longer available to use in your replies...

 The answer?

 Check your draft folder! It looks like Gmail stores the canned response templates as draft emails in your draft folder... so when you go through it cleaning up old and unsent emails you will more often than not miss the fact that the draft emails also contain templates for your canned email responses...

Here is a tip....

Since the canned responses do not use the subject field but keep the original subject you are replying to you can name the subject field of the canned response anything you like...

I use something like DO NOT DELETE - Canned response template for "Name of Template"

Does that help? Please make a comment if you think Ive got this wrong...
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